We attach great importance to your satisfaction! In order to continue to guarantee fair prices and first-class service, we ask you to avoid returns. In addition, we are doing our part to protect our environment. However, if you are not satisfied with a product or it does not meet your expectations, you can of course return it.

You can return physical products within 30 days without giving any reason. To do so, write us a short, informal email with your full name and order number. We will then send you a return label.

As soon as we receive your package, we will transfer the money for the returned goods back to you. This usually takes 3-4 working days.

The following items cannot be returned:

- Digital products such as e-books, provided these products have already been downloaded.

- Goods which are not prefabricated and for whose production an individual selection or specification by the customer is decisive or which are clearly tailored to the personal needs of the customer.

You can find further information about your right of withdrawal here .

Within Germany, we cover the costs for delivery and return shipments. For orders outside Germany, we only cover the costs for delivery; the return costs are borne by the customer.

For returns from Switzerland: Please note that in addition to the return slip, a fully completed customs declaration (CN 23) and the original invoice must be securely attached to the outside of the package in a transparent envelope to ensure smooth customs clearance.